• LED Dance Floor Sales

    LED Dance Floors | Rentals and Sales For New York City

    If it's time for you to revamp your nightclub then you should consider going extravegant and luxurious, with one of our LED dance floors. All of our lighted platforms are tough and durable. Special orders can be made if you'll be doing things no one else can, like driving cars on it. Our lighted dance floors have been in many movies, music videos, and TV shows. We are repeatedly used for productions because we provide reliable 5 star review service. Contact us for more information...

  • LED Runways Sales

    LED Runways & Catwalks | Rentals and Sales For New York City

    With New York Fashion Week always on the minds of designers, can you really afford to not have a luminous glowing runway in your hall? Buying as opposed to renting can save money if you do fashion shows infrequently, but can save you a lot if done with regularity. There is a very small learning curve for our equipment. It is very easy to use and we make a point in making it that easy. Contact us for more information...
